WinShape Junior
For campers who have completed grades K-6th
This summer they’re making all sorts of awesome content to share on a family-friendly video platform for campers to enjoy. It’s not all just screen time either. WinShape staff will lead campers through a combination of indoor activity and outdoor play as well. Plus, campers who register for the full experience will receive an over-the-top Camper Kit filled to the brim with goodies!
Click HERE to learn about the different packages offered and see which Skill choices and the type of videos coming this summer.
WinShape Senior
For campers who have completed 7th-12th grade
This summer is all about FREEDOM. As campers get older, we know they want more and more freedom. Freedom to do, freedom to be, and freedom to go. So we've taken some of their favorite parts of camp and packed them into a once-a-week live stream called ON @ NITE. They'll also get to connect with friends new and old in Life Groups where they will discuss what happened during the live stream. Plus, we'll have a few surprise events along the way! This camp will kick off the week of June 15th and will go all the way through July 17th. Campers who register for this experience will get to stream every event throughout the summer, join a video Life Group, and receive a Life Giver theme t-shirt in the mail!
Click HERE to learn more about WinShape Senior camp and get registered.
Questions? Contact WinShape Camps directly at 844-WS-CAMPS or