New accessible playground

We are excited for the new playground here at The Journey! Our current one has served us well, but with our continued growth, it is time to move on to something bigger and better. This new playground is also special in that it is an accessible, ADA approved playground. There are accessible swings and merry go round along with some fun sensory pieces on it. And, of course, the special rubberized flooring that makes this space accessible to anyone. Here are a few questions you might have about this new playground and our answers to them:

#1 - Why an accessible playground?

Look at this statistic: 46.6% of parents with kids with disabilities said they refrained from participating in religious activities because their child was not included or welcomed. We found in our planning that there is a sizable group of families in our community with children with disabilities who would attend church but do not due to churches not being accessible to their kids. We work hard to make our Journey Kids classes and space a safe and enjoyable experience for ALL children, no matter their abilities. We believe an accessible playground will now allow ALL kids to have a fun place to play too! 

#2 - How big is the new playground? 

The new space will be 3,500 square feet. 

#3 - How much will this playground cost?

The total cost of this project is $225,000.

#4 - How can I give to this project?

Over the course of the next two years you have the opportunity to give towards our Playground Generosity Campaign to fund this project. You can do this by committing to making recurring or one-time gifts through December 2025.

Journey App

You can donate through Church Center GIVING by clicking here

Venmo - Please write Playground in the comment section.


You can send a check to The Journey. Make sure to write in the Memo this is for the playground. You can send checks to: 6427 Franconia Rd, Springfield, VA 22150. 

Other Ways To Give

You can also give to this project via other methods. For more info on how to do this, please contact us at:

Matching Funds

LoveNOVA is our 501(c)3 non-profit organization, and has a fund set aside for the playground. If your company has a program set up to match gifts to non-profit organizations, you can give to LoveNOVA’s playground fund, and a receipt of your donation can be provided. 

Lastly, if you have additional questions of any type, please do not hesitate to ask. You can shoot over an email to:, or call us at 703.971.0277.