In the Fairfax County Public School System, there are 188,000 students. 56,000 (30%) of those students are on free/reduced lunch during the school year.  But what happens when those 56,000 children are home for the summer and school is out? Where do they receive their meals?  Thankfully, Fairfax County Food And Nutrition Services is serving a portion of these kids. But there are more kids to feed!

This summer in Springfield, we begin a new program to help more of our children. We invite you to take a moment and read more about the Summer Lunch Bunch Program by clicking on the link below. You can check out our process, see how you can volunteer, find out who is sponsoring the program and much more.

Join us as we work to take a BIGGER bite out of child hunger in Springfield!

Contact: Kathleen Ambroso -

Click Here to For More Information or to Volunteer